
Five Common Causes of Water Damage

Water damage is one of the most common problems for homeowners throughout America. The causes of water damage within homes are diverse. However, there are a few causes of water damage that make up the majority of incidents. Being aware of these common causes and how to prevent them will put you well on your way to keeping your home water damage free. Here are five of the most common sources of water damage according to our professional restoration technicians at Regency DKI Disaster Response Team in West Palm Beach. Burst or Leaking Pipes Burst and leaking pipes are most common during the winter months due to the contraction and expansion that occur when the pipes freeze and unfreeze. However, there are still many different ways that your pipes can burst or leak in warm temperatures. These include undue pressure in your pipes when they become clogged and that old and rusty pipes are also more prone to leaking or bursting. Malfunctioning Appliances As household appliance

Water Damage Restoration West Palm Beach

Regency DKI is a full-service property restoration company that provides water damage restoration in West Palm Beach . We will provide an immediate response to your emergency situation.

Water Damage Restoration Indian River

Contact Regency DKI at 1-888- 221-5791 for water damagerestoration in Indian River ! We understand how critical it is that cleanup begins as soon as possible to limit the damage to your property.

Water Damage Martin

Regency DKI has the experience and the knowledge to handle every type of water damage in Martin that may occur on your property. Our team of certified technicians is on-call 24/7!

How to Keep Safe Your Refrigerator from Water Damage

One of the toughest things about water damage is that it can come from a large variety of sources. Whether it be rain gutters, toilets, sinks, pipes, washing machine, and so on you should always work on water damage prevention to your property. However, there is another significant source of water damage that comes from refrigerators that people often overlook. While it may not be the most common type of water damage, water damage from refrigerators is more common than most people think. Fridge’s are prone to water leaks and cause a significant amount of damage if not cleaned up in time. To help you avoid this danger, here are a few tips that we at Regency DKI in West Palm Beach recommend you take. Have A Timeframe Having a timeframe means knowing how long you can expect your refrigerator to be in working order and not do anything that would cause water damage. You can get this information when you buy the refrigerator. However, you should not blindly follow it. Just because

Preparing For Water Damage

Every year, home and business owners are at risk of property water damage in Port St Lucie . Water damage can happen for many different reasons and when it does, there are certified and insured water damage cleanup professionals like Regency DKI in Port St. Lucie that can help.   However, property owners can prepare for water damage by taking preventative measures to stop it from happening in the first place. Here are some things you can do to decrease your risk of water damage. 1.        Water Leak Detection – If small water leaks go unnoticed, they can turn into very expensive disasters. Water leak detection devices have sensors that will trigger an alarm if moisture is detected. These are inexpensive devices that can also alert your smartphone and even shut down a water valve. These are extremely beneficial devices for home and business owners who travel frequently and are not in the property enough to catch a water damage emergency. 2.        Turn Off The Water Supply – If

Dealing With Water Damage As A Landlord

Investing in real estate can be an adventure. Sometimes the adventure is filled with success and dividends and sometimes the adventure is filled with trials and tribulations. Having water damage is never a fun experience, and when one of your West Palm Beach rental properties needs water damage repair, it can be very stressful. Here are some tips for dealing with water damage repair as a landlord. Call A Water Damage Repair Company The very first thing that you are going to want to do when your tenant announces that there is some sort of water damage in your property is to call a professional water damage repair in West Palm Beach . You may be tempted to handle this issue by yourself, but if you are not particularly handy and the water damage is extensive, you should spare yourself the grief. It is especially important to have a water damage repair company do an assessment in situations like these so they can prove if needed in a court of law, what the cause of the water damag